The last thing I want is to spend more time in the internet. So I'm doing the exact opposite - I'm taking the internet with me!
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Very Funny....great timing.....reminds me of a physical I once had......He said: 'You may find this a little discomforting'.....YUP!
(just between us - i think shoving ice up ANYONE's butt would be discomforting :)ps-I LOVE YOUR ARTWORK!!!
Oh dear....
judging by all the brown color at the bottom, my guess would be the later. ewww
Agggh! Can't believe you used "Butt plug" and "Virgin Mary" in the same sentence! You're gonna burn! ;)
Ay, Dios mio!!! Don't say that. Santissima. Too much imahinacion! Btw, you said it too.
Chingao! I didn't even think of that! I'm going to hell too!!!!!!!!
Say your Hail Marys were gonna be Twitter pals in purgatoryo (if were lucky)
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Very Funny....great timing.....reminds me of a physical I once had......He said: 'You may find this a little discomforting'.....YUP!
(just between us - i think shoving ice up ANYONE's butt would be discomforting :)
Oh dear....
judging by all the brown color at the bottom, my guess would be the later. ewww
Agggh! Can't believe you used "Butt plug" and "Virgin Mary" in the same sentence! You're gonna burn! ;)
Ay, Dios mio!!! Don't say that. Santissima. Too much imahinacion! Btw, you said it too.
Chingao! I didn't even think of that! I'm going to hell too!!!!!!!!
Say your Hail Marys were gonna be Twitter pals in purgatoryo (if were lucky)
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